A full example
This example consists of 3 components:
- A graphical representation of the API DAGs
- The source code, which can be copied 1:1 and can be executed directly after installing Papys: pip install papys
- A Postman collection with all implemented endpoints. You can download these and import them into Postman to test the functionality of the program (see source code) directly.
No data is saved in this example. The business functionality is not implemented and is only a mockup. To make it easy to test, everything has been implemented in one file. It is strongly recommended to structure and modularize "real" source code. The example uses/shows many functions of Papys, but not all. Consult the documentation or the source code to discover all functions.
The implemented DAGs looks as follows. Click to get a larger version:
This DAGs can be implemented as follows. Copy&paste the source code to play around with it:
You can download the Postman collection of this example here.